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Design Thinking

It can be a process where a simple napkin and a pen can be used to make an entrepreneur out of any person. One of the best benefits comes from the initial idea generation via brainstorming. A process that used efficiently, allows people with multitude and variety of ideas to collaborate together to generate one brilliant game-changing solution. The way brainstorming can work well is to allow people to develop individual ideas and solutions before working in a group and combining the ideas.

Having a conservation with your target base is important to get the idea clarity and know more about the users to get insights. Making prototypes of your ideas and getting the feedback will also allow you to get your idea running and sometimes it allows for interest to develop among those people for the product before actual work has begun. It can also help you avoid ideas that are poised for failure.
A good idea would be to develop a business canvas model for your idea. It can used so well with lean startups as it is really fast and allows for creative solutions.
